Welcome to the website of the "Europe as an Actor in Asia" project, which is implemented under the Jean Monnet Module programme, funded by the European Commission.
In the preparatory phase, the PI crafted syllabi and materials for two courses at the Master level: "Asia in the EU's Foreign Policy" and "European Integration," catering to Polish and English language programs.
The execution phase witnessed the successful implementation of three editions of the courses mentioned above, adhering closely to the outlined plan. A distinctive feature of each of the five "European Integration" courses was incorporating a simulation game, adding a dynamic and interactive dimension to the learning process. This pedagogical approach aimed to give students a practical understanding of European integration processes.
Furthermore, we were privileged to host a former Member of the European Parliament, Zoana Maria Gabriela, for a guest lecture during one of the courses. This unique opportunity enriched the academic experience for students by providing firsthand insights from a seasoned professional in the field.
The pivotal outcome of the project manifests in the creation of the book titled "Skazani na współpracę? Polityka Unii Europejskiej wobec Azji" (Destined to Cooperate? The European Union's Policy Towards Asia). This academic publication was a collaborative effort between a teacher and participating students. The book, written in Polish, critically examines the EU's engagement in Asia, focusing on three interconnected realms: development cooperation, environmental/climate change, and civil society, encompassing gender issues. The manuscript has been submitted to Lodz University Press, with an expected open-access publication in March 2024.
Throughout the project, six academic seminars were organised during three study visits, led by Professor Kaminski and involving students actively. The inaugural study visit occurred in Thailand from May 29, 2022, to June 6, 2022. The seminar, "The EU's Development Aid for Asia," was hosted by École française d'Extrême-Orient in Chiang Mai. This event aimed to disseminate the research outcomes on the EU's development policy in Asia. Approximately 20 participants attended, including academics, diplomats, former diplomats, NGO activists, and students.
The second study visit unfolded in Vietnam from March 28, 2023, to April 7, 2023. Two seminars focused on the European Union's policy towards Asia with an environmental emphasis. The first seminar transpired at VGU University, and the second at Fulbright University in Ho Chi Minh City. Both events attracted around 20 participants, comprising academic teachers and students.
The third study visit in Vietnam from July 10, 2023, to July 15, 2023, featured two seminars concentrating on the European Union's policy towards Asia focusing on civil society dialogue. The first seminar took place at Fulbright University in Ho Chi Minh City, attracting approximately 15 participants, including academic teachers and students. The second seminar, exclusively for Vietnamese students, aimed to impart research methodology skills, drawing insights from Polish students. These seminars collectively reinforced the collaborative nature of the project, fostering valuable academic exchange and skill development.
Experiences from introducing innovative teaching methods (such as reflective learning diaries and simulation games) were presented at the international workshop 'European Studies' June 8-9, 2023, ESSCA Campus Angers, France. Title: "Match EU-related simulation games and reflective learning – benefits for students and teachers". It resulted in an invitation to contribute to the Routledge Encyclopaedia of the European Integration with the paper entitled: "EU-related simulation games", based on the experiences collected during this project.