Asian Studies, speciality on International and Political Studies (Bachelor Degree in English)
Asian Studies is a specialization that focuses on different dimensions of social, political, economic and cultural development of Asian countries. Particular emphasis is placed on teaching a selected Asian language – Chinese or Japanese. The students will acquire the knowledge in Chinese and Japanese cultural heritage; East and South Asian politics: political systems of China, Taiwan, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and Southeast Asian countries; East and South Asian social development: social changes and challenges across the region with special regards to poverty alleviation and migration; East and South Asian international politics: major players include the United States, China, Japan, South and North Korea, Russia, and Southeast Asian countries; East and South Asian economic dynamics: major trends in economic integration in the East and South Asia region, as well as cooperation between Europe and East Asia; East and South Asian business characteristic points and special features in regards to the style of negotiation in the region. The graduates will be equipped with skills that will prepare them to work in companies and institutions that are involved in diplomatic, economic, cultural or social contacts with East Asian countries or international organizations operating in Asia. They will be able to pursue careers in national administration and self-government authorities that are responsible for development of foreign policy. The graduates may also be employed in cultural, educational and research institutions, or in publishing and mass media organizations that deal with East Asian affairs.
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Asian Studies (Bachelor Degree in Polish)
The aim of Asian Studies is to acquire knowledge and skills that allow understanding of the Asian phenomenon in the cultural, political, social and economic context. The specificity of Asia makes it impossible to fully understand and function in the local environment without speaking local languages. Therefore, intensive Asian language courses (Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic) play an important role in the Asian Studies programme.
The interdisciplinary nature of the course covers issues of diverse and dynamic political, economic and social processes in local, regional and global terms. The theoretical knowledge and practical skills gained during the studies will make the graduate a person capable of reflection and critical evaluation of phenomena in the modern world, and desired specialist in the labour market.
After 3 years of studing graduate can find employment in governmental institutions (ministries, diplomatic missions, public security institutions), non-governmental organizations, international institutions and private sector, cultural institutions, media, education or tourism.
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