Zdjęcie kierownik Katedry Studiów Azjatyckich Małgorzaty Pietrasiak/Photo by the head of the Department of Asian Studies Małgorzata PietrasiakAssociate Professor at the University of Lodz (Poland), head of the Department of Asian Studies and Director of the Institute of International Studies, Faculty of International and Political Studies. Her research interests are in the areas of The Vietnam War, Vietnamese reforms of “doi moi”, Politics of Vietnam, Integrations in South-East Asia, China policy towards ASEAN and Russia. She is an author of the books about the past and current relations in East Asia: Regional Aspects of the Historical Russian-Chinese Relations, Lodz University Łódź 2012. The Environmental Determinants of Vietnam’s Foreign Policy In the Face of Integration Process with Blobal Economy, Adam Marszałek Toruń 2010, The Instruments of the People’s Republic of China’s Foreign Policy, Lodz University 2014, and dozens of articles about Vietnam and East Asia. The last monograph called The Difficult Reconciliation. Diplomacy during the Establishment of the US-Vietnam relations (2017) was written by collaboration of the DAS and Vietnamese partners. She is a member of the „Biblioteka Azji i Pacyfiku” (“Asia Pacific Library”) Editorial Board, Member of the Polish Society of International Studies, member of the board of Towarzystwo Azji i Pacyfiku (Asia & Pacific Society).

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