Asia as a Challenge to the European Union (head Dr. Tomasz Kamiński)

You are now on the website of the project "Asia as a Challenge to the European Union", which was implemented under the Jean Monnet Module program, financed by the European Commission. It included classes and meetings devoted to European integration and the European Union's policy towards Asia. Together with students, we have prepared a Vademecum for young people about the European Union and a book about EU policy towards Asian countries.

Okładka książki "Polityka Unii Europejskiej wobec partnerów azjatyckich" z sześcioma motylami, na skrzydłach których znajdują się flagi Uni Europejskiej, Korei Południowej, Tajwanu, Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej, Japonii oraz Wietnamu/The cover of the book "Policy of the European Union towards Asian partners" with six butterflies on the wings of which there are flags of the European Union, South Korea, Taiwan, People's Republic of China, Japan and Vietnam

Okładka książki "Pytania o Unię Europejską" z żółtymi znakami zapytania na niebieskim tle na wzór flagi Unii Europejskiej oraz dwoma rzędami twarzy młodych ludzi na samym dole/The cover of the book "Questions about the European Union" with yellow question marks on a blue background similar to the European Union flag and two rows of young people's faces at the bottom

If you like any of the materials we have prepared, feel free to use them and share them with others - absolutely free. And all comments, including critical ones, can be sent to my address

Best regards and I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the effects of our work

dr Tomasz Kamiński (project coordinator)