Assistant Professor at Department of Asian Studies, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland. He graduated from Interfaculty Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies in the Humanities (UL) with Ph.D. thesis entitled Hydropolitics of the Mekong River Basin. Between conflict and cooperation (2015). He also obtained masters degree in sociology at Faculty of Economics and Sociology, UL (2010). Since 2015 he has been cooperating with Center for Asian Affairs (University based think – thank). Since 2017 member of consortium realizing project „Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia” within the European Commission programme Horizon 2020. Since 2018 member of The Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the United Kingdom (“ASEASUK”). His scientific research focuses on conflict and integration processes in the Mainland Southeast Asia, with special regard to hydropolitics, and foreign policy, and developmental challenges of MSEA states.