
  1. Powers Shifts in East Asia and their implications for Asia-Europe relations, pod. red. Karola Żakowskiego i Bartosza Kowalskiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019
  2. China’s Selective Identities: State, Ideology and Culture (współautorstwo z Dominikiem Mierzejewskim, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan in Global Political Transitions series, 2019.
  3. Aktywność polityczna i gospodarcza Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej w regionie Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej” (współautorstwo z Dominikiem Mierzejewskim i Przemysławem Ciborkiem),  Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. 2018

Wybrane artykuły:

  1. Kowalski B., Central and Eastern Europe, China’s Core Interests, and the Limits of Relational Politics: Lessons from the Czech Republic in the 2010s. East European Politics and Societies. September 2020. doi:10.1177/0888325420952142 strony 1-24.
  2. Kowalski B., From railway dreams to a reality check. Achievements and challenges of Sino-Polish relations at the local level – the case of Łódzkie-Sichuan partnership [w:] China’s Belt and Road Initiative Strategic and Economic Impacts on Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Central Eastern Europe, pod red. Alfred Gerstl i Ute Wallenböck, London: Routledge, 2020, ss. 197-213.
  3. „Pomiędzy izolacjonizmem i globalizacją z chińską charakterystyką: stosunki USA-ChRL w pierwszym roku prezydentury Donalda Trumpa”, Athenaeum 2019, 61(1):23-38,
  4. “China’s foreign policy towards Central and Eastern Europe: The ‘16+1’ format in the South–South cooperation perspective. Cases of the Czech Republic and Hungary,” Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2017
  5. “Holding an empire together: from the Manchu garrisonto a Chinese province – army and state building in Qing Xinjiang”, Ming-Qing Studies 2017, (ed.) Paolo Santangelo, Rzym.
  6. “The Belt and Road Initiative, China’s foreign policy and the XIX Party Congress” [in:] Vladimir N. Cvetković (ed.), The New Silk Road: European Perspectives. Security Challenges/Risks within the Initiative 16+1, University of Belgrade, 2018.
  7. “Inicijativa “Pojas iput”, kineska spoljna politika i XIX kongres partije” [in:] Vladimir N.Cvetković (ed.) Novi put svile: evropska perspektiva; bezbednosni izazovi/rizici unutarInicijative 16+1, University of Belgrade 2018

Komentarze on-line i blogi:

  1. CEIAS Insights, All quiet on the Eastern front: Chinese investments in Central Europe are still marginal, 18 czerwca 2019,
  2. Greece in the “16+1” format? Reading the Sino-CEE tea leaves”, University of Nottingham, Asia Research Institute,  April 9, 2019,
  3. “Central and Eastern Europe as a part of China’s Global South narrative”, University of Nottingham,, August 27, 2018,
  4. “What’s Next for the China-CEE 16+1 Platform?” The Diplomat, July 13, 2018
  5. 16+1+1: Beijing wants Germany to align with its strategy in Eastern Europe, Sinopsis, July 20, 2018,
  6. Publikuje comiesięczny Monitor Chiński w Ośrodku Spraw Azjatyckich UŁ
  7. Autor bloga w Ośrodku Spraw Azjatyckich UŁ